European Explorers

European ships came to islands in Polynesia as early as the 1600s. They were passing through on their way to Asia, and the encounters often ended in violence.


 Captain James Cook

Explorers who came to the Pacific Islands in the late 1700s had more interest in the islands and their people. The first recorded European visitor to Hawai'i was British explorer Captain James Cook. He was surprised to find a vibrant, healthy and productive society in such an isolated location.


Cook visited Hawai'i for a second time in 1779 and later published several books and reports on his experiences in the Pacific. As a result, many more 

European explorers and traders began to visit the islands. These visitors introduced diseases for which the isolated islanders had no resistance, such as influenza, smallpox and measles. During the 1850s, a measles epidemic killed a fifth of Hawaii's people. 

The visitors also introduced new customs and religions that caused overwhelming losses to Hawaiian culture, traditions — and population.

The Impact of Contact


Class Discussion

  • How might life in Hawai'i be different today if Europeans had not come to the islands?

  • Why does Kamai care so much about keeping the Hawaiian culture and traditions alive?

  • What are some old traditions that are special to your family, community and/or culture? (This can be something unique to your family!)